
03 June 2010

SASSY, yet SAVVY wedding decor ideas

These pics are from my sister, Chandelle's wedding last month. My other sister, Chalice, gathered ideas and got all the stuff to make it happen...with the help of 2 more sisters, Chelsea and Lacey, they all made it look fabulous!(I just helped decorate and put it together - the best part :) Great ideas girls!

Her colors were black, red, and white- so anything and everything over the course of a few months, she picked up and collected. This is a simple $20 Ramada we spruced up with some sheer fabric from SAS. The inside is lined with white outdoor lights (you can't tell) and the little red tables she got at IKEA for $6 (i think). She made all the throw pillows, and other furniture items she brought from her house. Pictures of the bride & groom with other odds and ends helped to make it feel like a cozy nook. The pictures really don't do justice.

A table she brought from home, red table runner cloth, small water fountain, digital picture frame, long rectangle candle with multiple wicks, and of course, a black & red tissue box (she thinks of everything). The wedding was at night, so these things really stood out beautifully.

She bought this chair at a yard sale and refinished it with black satin fabric. She made a sexy lookin' pillow with rhinestones to sass it off. Looks fab!

I love this idea. She brought her over-sized brown leather ottoman from home, sewed a simple, but beautiful two piece fabric cover and threw it over the top. Then added some more throw pillows and there you have it! A romantic seating area. This was under another ramada decorated with the same sheer fabric and white lights. It looked stunning lit up in the dark. (I would have taken a picture, but my suck-at-life camera takes terrible pics at night.)

The bride lucked out: her sister-in-law to be is a pastry chef, so she made her cake (for free i think). Surrounding the cake, there are over-sized wine glasses and assorted glass dishes filled with various red, black, and white candy. She borrowed glass dishes and vases from family and friends, as well as bought some super cheap at Savers. Included are small, clear candy bags and little silver scoopers to make your own candy bag- just like the candy store at the mall! (only better :) What a fun and classy way to display a dessert table.

It's not impossible to plan a beautiful, inexpensive wedding.

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