
15 December 2010

2-Way Radio Covers

This tutorial may not seem useful to many, but you can use this basic idea to make a rectangle cover for anything. My husband has some walkie-talkies and whenever we go camping or hiking, he brings them with us just in case we split up. He's VERY careful with his stuff and likes to keep everything in pretty-much-perfect condition. He sometimes thinks it's necessary to remind me not to scratch, drop, or throw things. HA! Last time we were out, I realized these little guys need covers to keep them from being scratched. (or dropped or thrown)

I used camouflage fabric and gray felt for the inner lining.

I just estimated how much fabric I would need by cutting out a square around the bottom

and did the same thing for all other sides.

Then I used the felt cutouts as patterns to cut out the same shapes from the camo fabric. Make sure to cut out two of everything since there are 2 radio's, duh!

Pay no attention to the bad sewing job. It was a bit too big, so I had to adjust it a couple times. (but all those seam lines give it extra security which is good.)

When sewing this, start by sewing the sides together first (inside out, of course), then sew the bottom square to it. It takes some maneuvering around the corners, but just go slow. Then turn it rightside in and see if the radio's fit. If it's too loose, you can turn it inside out again and sew a little closer in. It's easier to adjust if it's too big, rather than too small.

You will do this same concept with Camo fabric. Then simply slide the felt liner into the Camo cubby, fold the edges inward toward each other like in the picture, then pin in place.
I added a strap to lay over the top to keep it secure. I did this by cutting two rectangle piceces of Camo a couple inches long. I also added a layer of felt in the center to make it a little thicker. Sew around the edges, then pin the strap in place before sewing around the edge of the cover.
Sew around the edges and voila!

Oh, then add some velcrow. I added velcrow by hand stitching it on.

There you go. Two covers for 2-way radios.

My husband really likes them and that makes me happy.

07 September 2010

Mod Podged Picture Frame

Goodbye plain wood!
Hello color!
First, cut small squares to fit around the frame you're going to cover and place them to your liking.
Then paint a thin coat of Mod Podge on one side of the frame and place the squares on top of the glue.
Repeat this over all 4 sides.
Once you get them where you want them, paint a layer of Mod Podge over the the top of the whole frame to seal the squares in place. Let it dry completely.
Add in your picture, attach the backing, and DISPLAY your beautiful Mod Podged frame!
*My squares aren't perfectly even, I know. I like the beauty in imperfection.

Peg Board / Craft Room Part 3

Last year, I bought these 2 peg boards to display my jewelry hangars at my Art Expo. I forgot they were sitting in my mom's garage.
Now, I'm inspired to use them as the focal point in my craft room.
Since Jeremy is the pro, he painted them for me with Krylon spray paint in Bahama Sea.
(he spray painted them first with Krylon PRIMER in Gray- a MUST!)
I plan on adding a border to these - maybe with ribbon - before we hang it up at the new place.

Mod Podged Tin Can / Craft Room Part 2

I'll admit, I'm addicted to these mint chocolate Pirouettes.
But ONLY because I need the can(s) for my crafts.
I'm Mod Podging this tin can because I need a round sturdy somethin' to hold all my paint brushes in my new craft corner.
After cutting out a piece of scrapbook paper that will fit perfectly around this tin, I painted a light layer of Mod Podge (Matte) onto the can.
Then I lined up the paper to the bottom edge of the can and wrapped the paper carefully around it making sure there were NO bubbles and leaving an inch of extra paper at the top.
Before I folded the paper over the top, I cut slits (an inch apart) around the top, then glued (under and over the paper) as I folded each section over at a time. This keeps the paper from tearing and makes a clean edge. I added a good layer of Mod Podge over just the top rim instead of the whole can - which you can do if you want.

Then I painted a nice layer of Mod Podge over the seam in the back to keep it sealed down.
To add a little something extra, I painted some Mod Podge on the backside of a piece of ribbon...
...and placed it snug on the can.
ALL DONE. A lovely tin can to hold my paint brushes. P.S. My husband drilled a hole in the back seam so I can hang it up on the peg board in my new craft corner.

Love my man and his power tools.

03 September 2010

Mod Podge Box / Craft Room Part 1

We're moving soon and one of my new projects is to create myself a craft room. Actually, a craft corner since I have to share the spare with hubby.
This is one of the many storage cubbies I'll be making and using to organize my craft supplies. It's a Mod Podged box. It was a wooden basket, but those were the days...
It came from this pile of junk I picked up at a thrift store. I'll be making these ugly useless objects into beautiful useful somethings - all toward the plan: Delight's Craft Corner
Decided to first remodel the hideous wooden basket by ripping out the handle. I had to use pliers and these tiny staples were actually a huge pain in the butt - but I worked through it.
I ripped off the ugly piece of wallpaper that was glued to the front, then picked out my scrapbook paper, and cut each piece out accordingly. Make sure they fit!
Then with a sponge brush, I painted a light layer of Mod Podge right on the wood, then place my paper pieces directly on top.
I repeated this step over the whole outside of the basket. (or box, whatever you want to call it)
Then I painted a light layer directly OVER the paper and made sure to push out any bubbles (very carefully). It can get sticky and rip up the paper if you mess with it too much.
Then I let it dry and TaDa!!!.....
A sassy Mod Podged Box - which I'll be using to organize my craft supplies.
Can't wait to move.

27 August 2010

Round Basket Liner Tutorial

It's easy to find a square basket liner tutorial, but for the life of me, I could not find a tutorial for a round basket liner. So I made one on a whim and hopefully this tutorial will you help you make your own. Obviously, you can mod this however you wish, but I was in the mood for a large bow and some simple lace.
My husband has been telling me to get rid of this broken basket for a few years now. It used to have 2 handles and all it's branches perfectly weaved, but ever since one handle broke off, the sticks have followed suit. My husband HATES this thing because every time him or the boys walk past it, it snags their clothing or scratches their leg. (I've never had a problem. jk)
So finally I decided it's time. If one more branch falls off, the whole thing will shatter into a wood pile and Jeremy will use it to start a campfire.
To start your liner, set the basket on top of your fabric and cut around the edges leaving a 1/2 inch for the seam. (or you can mark it, then cut)
Lay it down inside the bottom of the basket to make sure you have enough fabric around the edges for the seam. If you have too much, trim it down. (I had to trim mine a couple times)
I had to remove the lonely handle on mine. Once I cut through one branch, the rest came off pretty easily.
If you have uneven and sharp edges like mine, duck tape works great to even it out and smooth the edges. Since your fabric will hang over the edges, it doesn't matter what it looks like at this point. (if you like the ghetto look, you can quit after this step.)
Measure the length of one side of your basket. A measuring tape works great, but I just laid my fabric over the edge to get a feel for how much I would need lengthwise and depth-wise. (the kids ran off with my measuring tape and I was too lazy to chase them upstairs. Forgive me for not taking any measurements.)
Then I made a small snip with the scissors to mark how long I wanted it to drape over the sides. Make sure you add on at least 2 extra inches for the seam of where your drawstring will lay - depending on how thick you want it to be. You saw how big my bow is, so I needed to leave a big gap. Does that make sense?
Double up your fabric before cutting so both sides are even. Go ahead and cut your measurements (length & depth) or if you're like me, just wing it - but make sure you cut extra fabric for seams!
Once that is cut, fold it in half (hamburger style).
Then take your round piece and place it so it's half way on the edge of the bottom cut and half way off. (Sorry, this isn't a very good picture) Place it toward the left bottom edge, but leave a 1/2 inch for the seam like in the picture. Notice on the right side of the circle, there is also a 1/2 inch left for the seam (between the circle and the scissor blade). You're going to use the circle as a guide for measuring a diagonal cut upwards towards the top right hand corner. You can't really tell in the pic, but I folded over the top layer of fabric in a diagonal line and cut along that fold. Then cut through the rest of the layers so they all have the same diagonal.
Open up your fabric, and you should have 2 trapezoid looking pieces of fabric. Again, this is not a good pic, but notice how on both sides there is a diagonal cut.
Then sew down the edge of each diagonal side. Make sure the face of your fabric (on both pieces) is turned toward the inside (facing each other).
Then open up the bottom (smaller side) and pin your circle piece in place. There will be pleats throughout this when sewing, but that's okay. It doesn't have to be perfect, it's a laundry basket! Before sewing this, place it in your basket to make sure it fits. You might need to make some pinning adjustments.
Sew along the edge of the circle a 1/2 inch in, removing the pins.
Then open it up and lay it inside the basket to make sure you got your measurements correct.
Fold it evenly around the edges...
and see how on the sides, it comes to a point? Cut it!
Cut it so it is evenly round with the rest of the fabric.
Then fold the edges under and sew in place. Make sure you leave enough room for your ribbon or drawstring to go through. After seaming up the edges, I went back around and sewed on a thin piece of lace that I easily fluffed up with a Basting Stitch.
Then I sewed up a thick drawstring. More like a belt, actually. (I told you I was in the mood for a big bow!) I just cut a long strip of fabric, folded it in half with the faces touching, and sewed it all the way down. Then I folded it right-side-out with the Safety Pin Method.
Then I just cut a hole (you can sew a button hole or use no-fray glue around the hole) and weaved it all the way through, guiding the safety pin, until it came out the other end.
Check out the detail... (I just love this lace. It adds a sweet touch.)
Then fit the liner back inside your basket and tie your BIG fancy Bow.
All done.
That wasn't too hard, was it?